martes, 5 de abril de 2011


House of the quincha
They  famous in the area of the interior
Island Iguana ... located in Pedasi at one hour of the district of the Tablas. 
It is one of the beautiful places of the Tablas.
This one is the most famous beach of the province of  Los Santos


One of the carnivals mas famous of the republic of Panama

Luxury and glamour. is what the carnivals exceed in the Tablas

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

the new park

This one is the former park of  Las Tablas

During his construction
This one is the new face of the park Belisario Porra seizes a couple of months

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

las tablas

Las Tablas is most popular for its Carnavals, folklore, traditions, friendly people, great weather and Spanish culture. It is also the economic center for this agricultural region where residents from the neighboring districts and small towns go to do business or go shopping.